Friday, November 11, 2011

Adalyn - A Birth Story

A few weeks ago I got the wonderful pleasure of photographing the birth of my good friend Danielle's daughter Adalyn. Danielle originally texted me to let me know that she was going to the hospital and would let me know if she was induced around 3pm. She ended up being induced and we texted back and forth until they broke her water. I packed my camera and arranged for a sitter and waited. I think I told Danielle I was leaving at least five times but she kept telling to me wait a little longer. I finally ignored her and headed to the hospital around 11:30pm.

As I was walking into the hospital, I got a text asking for some coffee so I ran to the gas station around the corner and got Sam and I some coffee thinking it was going to be a few more hours before any action happened. I arrived back at the hospital and got up to the room just after 12:30am. I put my bag down, chatted a little with Sam and Danielle started complaining that her epideral wasn't working on one side. 

I took my camera out, got my settings, took a few test shots and suddenly it was baby time! Seriously Danielle, who laughs while they're giving birth?! That's just not right.

A push or two later and Miss Adalyn was here! I was thanking my lucky stars that I was able to get these two photos because she burst onto the scene and between all the arms flying everywhere I had 10 seconds and no second chances.

Sam was enamored at first sight.

Thank you for the honor of being a part of Adalyn's birth. It was truly an amazing experience. And even better from this side of the lens!

1 comment:

Utahdoula said...

Well done! (And I mean that for both Amy *and* Danielle!)