I had the great pleasure to meet Bethany and Eric recently. As it turns out, they are good friends of one of my best friends from high school. They were actually at/a part of her wedding that I attended last summer. However, neither of us realized it until our mutual friend put us together. It really is such a small world!

We really had an adventurous session. It may have been the most event filled one I've done to date. During part of the session I had jumped up onto a train car to get the shot I wanted and unknowingly backed into a giant spider web. Okay that's no big deal, but as I was squatting down to get the shot, I could feel the web pulling back on me. Turns out, the spider was coming at me! I nearly lost it. All concentration was lost until I could rip all the web off of me. I was going to leave the spider alone but it just wouldn't stop trying to get on me and, try as I might, I couldn't get all the web off of me! I think my heart was going 100 miles an hour because that spider looked seriously menacing!

Bethany and Eric discovered this cool truck in a shed Bethany was changing in. I'm always more than willing to let people change clothes. It just comes with the warning that we use what we can find for you to change in! ;)

I tripped over this curb at least three times. You'd think after you did it once or twice you would learn but I think that part of my brain turns off when I'm really concentrating and trying to get the shot I have invisioned. I also was nearly hit by a car. I know that I'm backing up to a fairly busy road at this location but honestly people, if there are two lanes and you see someone near the edge of the road taking a picture, could you possibly change into the lane that isn't right next to me? My clothes moved when the car went by. That's just too close!

There was standing in poison ivy and poison oak, tripping over train tracks, stepping into huge bogs, and many other things that probably just revealed my accident prone nature. But all in all I think Bethany and Eric had a fun time and definitely lots of laughs! Thanks so much guys for letting me capture your memories and for being such great sports (And laughing with me, not at me. I think.)

These are fun! Great connection between them!
They look like such a fun couple!! Great shots!
Cute, Amy! Love the one of them playing the guitar.
The last shot is a keeper! Great job!
What a fun session, nice job.
I love these pics! You really caught their personalties!! :)
Sarah G.
These are so fun. Love the location!
Awesome locations - great job on these!
I really like the connection between them. Wonderful job!
Looks like you had fun, love number 1, too cute!
These are awesome!
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